Measuring Mineral density

X-ray projectorMineral BricksX Ray Film

X-Rays measure how DENSE the minerals are in teeth and bones. The X-Ray Picture (film) reflects how many Bricks lie in the X-Ray Path. Note that two Bricks side-by-side give the
same result as two Bricks with a Missing Brick in between (i.e. Row 4 and Row 2 from
bottom, respectively).

What "Hypomin" means

Toothy"Hypomin" is a technical way of saying "chalky", which is why dentists call chalky molars "Molar Hypomin". "Hypomin" is short for hypomineralisation and means lower-than-normal mineral density.

"Hypo" Words..............mean a deficiency in:
Hypomineralisation................mineral density
Hypoglycaemia.......................blood sugar
Hypotension...........................blood pressure
Hypoplasia..............................tissue or cells


Exploring Chalky Teeth with CT

CT Scanning

Do you know what CT is Short For ?

What this means for Molar Hypomin and The D3 Group

Smarty Toothy

Molar Hypomin (chalky molars) often involves just a small deficiency in Mineral Density (typically less than 15%), making it hard to detect on Regular X-Ray pictures despite being easy to see in the mouth. By providing thin slices and digital quantification, CT Scans help Researchers map the severity of "Missing Bricks" in Chalky Enamel.

The relatively small loss in Mineral Density leads D3 Researchers to hope that "Natural Repair" might be achievable one day (we call this "Remedial Mineralisation"). More research into Mineral Density Defects and Repair is clearly warranted.

Want to learn more?

Image Credits

  • CT images courtesy of Jon Mangum