This unique educational tale guides young schoolkids
and caregivers alike through the key aspects of "chalky molars" – when do they occur, what do they look like, why do they happen, and how might they be managed? Meet Sam, whose teeth are affected only moderately,
and PJ who faces more serious challenges. And then there's Toothy providing an insider's perspective throughout.
For those wanting further information, this storybook (affectionately known as 'Sam's story' ) meshes seamlessly
with the adventures of Toothy, Sam and PJ* appearing
elsewhere in this special section for KIDS.
*Note for adults: these characters (and the storyline) are deliberately nongendered so that children may choose to self-associate with or dissociate from particular situations – in other words, please refrain from saying Sam and PJ are "a he or a she", and leave it up to young readers to assign the genders themselves.
Now available in glossy print
Enjoy the classic delights of a 32-page reader and reduce screen time.
Get your own copy and support The D3 Group*
Only AU$5 each + postage (currency & shipping info).
*Note – all proceeds from 'Sam's story' are used to support our social-good efforts in education, research and advocacy. And yes, despite many generous people donating their time to this "D3-family effort", we too have a bunch of bills to
pay – so your support will be hugely appreciated thanks.
A rapidly growing number of concerned dental and medical practitioners have 'Sam's story' available to give away or lend (learn more here and here).
We're confident that 'Sam's story' is helping affected families cope with Chalky Molars, after distributing more than 15,000 copies across many countries and having received umpteen compliments from all walks of life. By engaging 'Chalky Molar kids' and demystifying this common medico-dental condition, 'Sam's story' serves as an important companion to information available from our websites and your healthcare professionals.
TOTALLY FAKE REVIEWS (hey kids, send us your ideas please!)
"Cool story, great looking hero" – Sam |
"First time I've seen Sam sit still" – Sam's dentist |
"Why is Sam the hero when I'm the one with really bad molars?" – PJ |
"How come I don't get to wear any clothes?" – Toothy |
"Simply marvellous, so proud" – Mum of Mike the author |
"Brill, couldn't have done better myself" – Mum of Sharon the illustrator |
"This is indeed an important issue and sadly there are a lot of myths about it. That's why I love 'Sam's story' so much as it translates the condition so well. I think this storybook should be available to all." – Betty Keng, orthodontist, New Zealand |
"I just wanted to share with you how thrilled I was to find your website and read your storybook. It is superbly well done - and it was all brought to my attention by one of my own patients with Chalky Molars. As a pediatric dentist, and published children's author myself, I am truly appreciative of your efforts here and want to commend you for it. I've ordered two copies of the book for my office." – Evan Zaretsky, paediatric dentist, Canada |
"An excellent explanation of the chalky molar story for children. My 6-year-old granddaughter loves it (her molars are in a bad way). The book has gone to school for the teacher to alert all the classmates." – Helen Mullarkey, grandmother, Australia |
"We’ve given out more than 40 copies of 'Sam’s storybook' in the past 3 months and they’re proving a great educational and marketing tool. It just tells you how much Molar Hypomin there is around here. Unfortunately most of it goes unrecognised, instead being misdiagnosed as dental caries. I had one mother feeling very guilty because her previous dentist was blaming her for the condition of her daughter’s tooth and telling Mum off for allowing the “caries” to reach this stage!" – Rami Farah, paediatric dentist, Jordan |
"The D3 resources are really good. I like "Sam's story" as one of my interests is communication with patients and parents about the problem (parents are very eager for information about the condition and I think it is so important to explain things well to children)." – Guy Jackson, dentist, Scotland |
"My daughter has recently been diagnosed with 'chalky teeth'. I had never come across this condition before. The dental nurse gave us Sam's Storybook and I'm really grateful for it. It explains so well what's happening in my daughter's mouth and that it isn't her fault and lots of other kids have it too." – Janka Hirschberg, New Zealand |