Spurred by our inaugural international workshop in 2020, 'D3 Learning Loop'
is D3G's innovative social enterprise approach to driving new understanding through D3 research and learning. Paying for the exclusive educational opportunities offered here enables you to learn today's "latest and greatest" while contributing towards tomorrow's scientific advances and education. In other words, this is a positive feedback loop that uses science-driven education to fund new science (see Figure) and also combines "user pays" with "giving back for social good" as follows.
Giving Back to D3G
Since launching in 2013, all our educational content has been available
for free thanks to D3G's philanthropic origins and subsequent charitable
contributions from many insiders and external entities... read more >>.
Continuing D3 education for health professionals
D3G's continuing education (CE) aspirations had a wonderful start thanks to a collaboration with Colgate in 2018. Our webinar on the Colgate Oral Health Network had an unprecedented full house (some turned away) when aired live and has since gone on to attract more than 11,500 views. Now hosted by D3G, it remains a valuable (and free) learning exercise – so check it out here if you haven't already. More information about this webinar (1 CE hour available for D3 members) and many other free D3 learning options is here.
We soon took another big step thanks to Team-D3 Toronto. Since their launch in 2020, the Toronto D3 Symposia have defined the absolute cutting edge of the D3 field by bringing together all key stakeholder groups from across the sector and applying a translational "science to social good" approach for the first time. Our D3G Video/CE Packs provide ideal continuing education (CE) tools for those keen to not only learn about the groundbreaking content developed at these events, but also to enjoy the wonderfully global array of people behind the D3-Chalky Teeth movement.
Try before you buy?
Get a free taste of these unique offerings from the 2020 Workshop trailer and our latest 'D3 Click & Learn' overview of the D3G and CTC websites.
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D3G event services – 'Rent an event' and 'Hire a D3er'
Wanting your group or organisation to learn more about Molar Hypomin and chalky teeth? – then why not engage D3G to help you host a collaborative D3 event or lecture?
With our 'Rent an event' offering (example here leading to this report), we will work with you to conceive, design and implement a learning experience matched to your budget and audience needs. Standard formats include mini-symposium, conference session or multi-component (e.g. education & training) event. Similarly, you can 'Hire a D3er' to give a D3G-approved lecture to your class, study group or event.
Continuing education (CE) certification is available in both cases and terms are flexible – with affordability, sponsorship and risk-sharing in mind. For more information, contact the Director.
D3 consultancy Service
Needing help to develop D3 curriculum, educational materials, policy or research design and the like? Or how about a pre-submission check of your manuscript, or examining a thesis and the like? We're pleased to offer D3G's unparalleled expertise via paid consultancy for such learning-related tasks – subject of course to complementarity with our own social-good activities and modus operandi.
With the D3 field desperately needing better unity, scientific robustness and social impact, we see much potential for win-win outcomes here – whether they be approached on collaborative or cooperative footings. As usual our sympathetic approach to affordability and potential to use 'D3 Pay It Forward' sponsorship might help ease financial difficulties – we're open to negotiation and in-kind offsets. So don't hesitate to share any potential interest, half-baked or otherwise, in our D3 consultancy service (contact the Director).
D3G Merchandise
While you're in the D3 groove, why not complement your 'D3 Learning Loop' experience and support D3G further by grabbing some copies of 'Sam's Storybook' – a great educational tool for your practice, and a wonderful gift for needy children in the public sector (learn more about 'Sam's Story' here and here, and 'Sam's Story Club' here and here).
Likewise, how about showcasing your social conscience with an 'I Fight Chalky Teeth' T-shirt and sharing some website referral cards as available here.